Monday, May 16, 2011

SNN Football Club returns!

After a year and a half of exile, the greatest team in Second Football returns!
We're looking forward to having back all ex-SNN players who wish to return home, as well as training new serious players!
SNN FC's goal will be, as always, to play only for fun, and to respect the game and each other.
This will never be a home for cheaters and traitors!
For any unbelievers, let it be said that this is the *original* SNN, as the team was never deleted and it is now registered and paid for under my name.
A big thank you to Samantha Goldflake and the Vstex Company which have undone a great injustice.
Forza SNN!

Radu Lubitsch,
president of SNN Football Club

Monday, October 12, 2009

Rapid Wien 9 - SNN 7 EPL Oct 11, 2009

This was a frustrating loss. An unregistered GK, poor connection for one player and ball ghosting through defenders. We can beat this team.

Things to improve;

Players need to be ready before the game.

If players are not ready or present there should be be reserve players ready to take their place.

We need to have regular, purposeful training sessions during the week.
I think that there should be a regular training session everyday at 12:00 (or another time)
for about 30 minutes.
Players should be required to spend one hour a week at purposeful training.
( It is not necessary to do training for dribbling, everyone can do that anytime at fun matches.)


We need to have thought-out attack plans. From my vantage point it looks like the strikers
rely on individual dribbling skills to break through the defenders. That may work at first but
the opponents will get wise and concentrate on the ball handler and not worry about open strikers. Strikers need to be able to pass the ball quickly among themselves and to midfielders to force defenders to spread out. Strikers should work together in training to pass the ball around. I posted exercises on the other blog that I think will help.


Rapien Wien was sucessful at taking advantage of the weakness in the SL defender animations.

They would complete a pass to a striker inside the penalty box and he would make a short quick dash into the goal. (On at least 2 of their goals I was right on top of the ball, I think Mola and Radu had the same experience). Tackling in the middle of the field is not too hard because you have time to set up and plenty of space and time to complete the tackle. Inside the penalty box the defender must tackle or knock the ball loose on the first try.

The opponents should not be allowed time to make an acurate pass. Midfielders especially and defenders should harass attackers and not allow them time to setup and aim a pass.

There must be training for intercepting passes.

Defenders should train for tackling inside the penalty box.

At least one day a week we should have a 30 minute offensive vs defense training session.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Preparations for the new season begin

SNN has begun its preparations for the new season with a friendly match against Derby County. The result was 8-9, but it really didn't matter, because the goal of the game was to get the team to play together. Some players played under potential because of the break they took, but I am sure their game will improve shortly. Also team play suffered and we need to correct these errors.

Here is our formation:
- first half: Deiv Michalak (unregi) - Radu, Cyndee, Phill - Stefan, Carl, Jacek - Nem, Dimitri
- second half (8p): Radu - Jacek, Cyndee, Phill - Stefan, Carl, Nem - Dimitri

Friday, October 24, 2008

SNN - Valiant 6-2 (2-1)

A nice and friendly game took place yesterday at Valiant's field. First of all, I want to congratulate everyone in the team for their effort to show up which put us in the fortunate situation of having substitute players, I think for the first time in four months. Gian had RL problems, but Cyndee substituted him as a keeper sucessfully. Valiant showed fair play and we look forward to meeting them again.

The game itself suffered from ball problems, which didn't stick too well to the players' feet but the team with better organization and better individual skills eventuall won. It's a proof of how valueable training sessions are and especially the tactical session we had one day before the game. I had internet problems and I got disconnected during the second half but the team went on one man less and we scored two extra goals until the end after that.

I want to congratulate each and every player for the way they played yesterday. Let us show the same determination and joy of playing in each and every game!

This is the team as it played in the first half and second half:
First half: Cyndee - Josh, Sirk, Odette - John - Phill - Radu, Carl - Carloman
Second: Cyndee - Celt, Radu, Sirk - John - Phill - Bart, Carl - Carloman

Goals by: Carloman/2, Carl/2, Barto, Radu

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Starting over again

We are on the verge of a new beggining: we have a new team and getting ready for a new league- the UKFA. Rebuilding is not an easy process but we have commited ourselves to it enthusiastically and with great confidence that SNN FC can be that great team that we all knew.

Reviving this website is, in this aspect, a part of the process. It has a new face, but it also links us to the past and new players can only browse through the posting history to get a glimpse of what SNN FC meant in the past.

Also, we've gotten a great influx of quality players lately: Odette, Bart, Proust, Carlo to mention only a few. As always we're interested in the personal quality of a player and not only in his playing skills. It's that SNN feeling that keeps us together and will help us move forward.

Tonight we are playing our first match after we finally managed to have a technical meeting. I am confident we shall look like an organized team and win, forza SNN !

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Conclusa l'iniziativa di solidarietà

L'SNN FC annuncia la conclusione dell'iniziativa di solidarietà a favore dell'organizzazione umanitaria "Save the Children", che si occupa della promozione e della difesa dei diritti dei bambini nel mondo.

A seguito della cessione di alcuni giocatori del proprio team, l'SNN FC ha devoluto l'intero ricavato delle operazioni di calciomercato a "Save the Children".

Siamo orgogliosi di render nota la cifra totale raccolta: ben 67.000 L$, che certamente rappresenteranno poco più di una goccia nel mare per i bambini bisognosi, ma che costituiscono comunque una spinta notevole verso l'interessamento alle tematiche sociali e di solidarietà anche all'interno del mondo virtuale di Second Life, ed in particolare all'interno del sistema calcistico SecondFootball.

Nel ringraziare tutti coloro che hanno partecipato con il giusto spirito alla raccolta fondi, l'SNN FC si augura che presto si presentino altre occasioni per avvicinare il mondo del calcio virtuale a nuove iniziative di impegno sociale.

Swann Stenvaag
Presidente SNN FC

Friday, July 11, 2008

Giocatori in vendita / Players on sale

L'SNN FC comunica la messa in vendita di alcuni suoi giocatori, i cui nomi (la lista è in continuo aggiornamento) sono visionabili nella sezione Mercato del sito Secondfootball ( ).
I suddetti giocatori hanno manifestato la volontà di lasciare l'SNN FC per affrontare nuove esperienze.Chiedo alle squadre interessate di presentare le loro offerte per i giocatori in forma privata, all'indirizzo indicando il nome del giocatore, la squadra offerente e l'ammontare dell'offerta. L'INTERO RICAVATO DELLE CESSIONI SARA' DEVOLUTO IN BENEFICENZA ALL'ORGANIZZAZIONE "SAVE THE CHILDREN". Garante dell'operazione sarà Alice Mastroianni, che si occupa già di pubblicizzare il sostegno a questa organizzazione all'interno di Second Life.
Save the Children è la più grande organizzazione internazionale indipendente per la difesa e la promozione dei diritti dei bambini. Opera in oltre 100 paesi nel mondo con una rete di 27 organizzazioni nazionali e un ufficio di coordinamento internazionale. Maggiori informazioni su:
Fermo restando il necessario consenso di ciascun giocatore al trasferimento, chiediamo come offerta minima per ciascun giocatore almeno la cifra simbolica di L$ 1000.Il giocatore sarà ceduto alla squadra che avrà fatto un'offerta maggiore, compatibilmente con le preferenze del giocatore.
L'SNN FC con questo gesto intende contribuire alla diffusione di un più marcato spirito di solidarietà all'interno di Second Life ed in particolare del circuito Secondfootball. L'augurio è che questa occasione possa essere colta dai giocatori partenti e dai dirigenti delle altre squadre per aiutare a dare un'impronta più solidale e impegnata alla propria partecipazione al sistema Secondfootball.

Swann Stenvaag
Presidente SNN FC


The SNN FC announces that some players of the team are now on sale. Their names can be seen on the Marketplace page of Secondfootball site ( ).
The list is updated regularly.
These players have expressed the wish to leave our Club to try new experiences. Any interested team is asked to send its offer privately by email to specifying the name of the player, the bidder club's name and the amount of the offer in L$.
THE WHOLE REVENUE OF THE SALES WILL BE DONATED TO THE "SAVE THE CHILDREN" ORGANIZATION. Alice Mastroianni, who already cares about publicizing this organization inside Second Life, will be the guarantor.
Save the Children is the largest indipendent international organization for the protection and the promotion of the children's rights. It works in over 100 countries around the world with a network of 27 national organizations and an international office for coordination. Further info on:
It goes without saying that the player's agreement is necessary for the transfer to be completed; we ask as minimum offer for each player at least the symbolic amount of L$ 1000.Each player will be sold to the team offering the highest amount, footballer's agreement permitting.
The SNN FC, with this gesture, intends to contribute to the diffusion of a stronger spirit of solidarity inside Second Life and specially inside the Secondfootball system. We wish that this could be a chance for players on sale and other Club's managers to help in giving Secondfootball a fairer and more committed mark.

Swann Stenvaag
SNN FC President

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Messaggio del Presidente

Dopo il pareggio dell'ultima giornata, l'SNN FC ha chiuso al secondo posto il campionato.
Ora che il campionato è concluso nulla più mi unisce alla Lega Calcio SL che ha saputo distruggere un gioco con squallide furberie, prese di posizione inconcepibili, totale incompetenza ed assoluta incapacità di gestione.
Un plauso e un ringraziamento da parte mia va a Tobia e Astolfo, e a tutta la parte sana del sistema VStex che ha lavorato gratis e bene per creare qualcosa che solo a Dicembre sembrava una chimera. I miei migliori auguri a loro perché possano liberarsi al più presto da quel cancro che è la Lega Calcio SL e raccogliere i frutti meritati del proprio lavoro, regalando a nuove persone ore di sano divertimento.
Grazie allo sponsor Kappa e ad Alice che - al di là di divergenze su altre questioni - ha saputo trovare uno sponsor valido ed affidabile.
Grazie Radu, grazie Tarcisio, grazie Felice, grazie Darian, grazie Cyndee, grazie Beavis, grazie Carl, grazie Javier, grazie Zyl, grazie Mola, grazie Marcuzz. Grazie anche a chi è arrivato da poco (Nic, Johnston, Elody, Cucciola), grazie anche a chi per vari motivi ha percorso solo una parte del viaggio (Femepsa, Moore, Cionagrande, Camilk, Nemes, Evangeline, Daniele, Cobain, Ajgg, Merchant, Andrea). Grazie a Davide per l'ospitalità. Grazie anche a chi ho dimenticato.
E' stato un anno di SNN FC in cui abbiamo avuto molte soddisfazioni sul campo (vittoria in Coppa Italia, secondo posto in Campionato), ma ciò che davvero resterà in me sono i rapporti personali: ho conosciuto alcune persone davvero speciali e so che un'esperienza come questa sarà assolutamente irripetibile. Quale che sia la strada che ciascuno di noi percorrerà da adesso in avanti, nulla e nessuno - nemmeno i numerosi personaggi abietti che da mesi popolano e rovinano questo ambiente - potrà cancellare i bei momenti trascorsi insieme.
Domani sarà un altro giorno e qualunque cosa accadrà, rimarrà sempre il fatto che ciascuno di noi è stato parte dell'SNN FC. Per alcuni di noi questo non significherà molto, per altri sì.
Grazie infine a chi ha saputo mostrarmi e dimostrarmi la sua affezione e la sua stima, spero di aver saputo ricambiare almeno in parte.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Lost again.

After our last two league loses plus several friendly's, I would have to say
that we have fallen behind.

We can not just show up at game time and expect to win.

There has to be purposeful training sessions to strengthen our weaknesses
and practice new tactics.


I posted this in March;

I played for about 2 hours Saturday with players from several teams.
The quality of play was very good.

There was more passing and coordinated attacks. (By Verona players I believe.)
I have made a graphic of one of the attacks on the other blog.
We need to try this and learn to defend against it.

To win games we need to stay ahead of the rest of the league with
new tactics and defenses.

There will be 22 games this season and we (and everyone else) will learn
to play better and better with each game. I've played almost everyday for
11 months and I am still learning what to do and what not to do.

Just think how much each team will improve their play from the first game to the last game!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

How to lose.

I played in one game yesterday and watched another.

The thing that both losing teams had in common was
that they only had one attack plan( if it was planned at all ).

They did the same thing over and over, allowing the defenses
to adapt to their attacks.

In our game against Mediteraneo they started out successfully
with long shots, then we moved our defenders up and stopped
them by harassing them closely before they got to midfield.
They should have changed tactics.
They should have tried something else to keep us off balance.

In Vstex vs Koln, Vstex used a single-man attack repeatedly.
Defenders were able to gang up on him without worrying about
a pass to an open player.

Teams should have pre-planned attacks and switch them often
to keep defenders off balance.

These attacks should be planned and practiced before the game.

If not, they will lose to teams that do.

I don't think we have practiced as a team for 3 months.